Elementor shortcodes

Elementor is a popular page builder plugin for WordPress that allows you to create and customize web pages using a drag-and-drop interface. Elementor provides a wide range of built-in widgets and elements, and you can also create your own custom elements using shortcodes.

Here are some common Elementor shortcodes that you can use within the Elementor page builder:

1. Basic Shortcode:
The basic Elementor shortcode is used to include a section or template created with Elementor on your page.

elementor-template id="YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID"


Replace `YOUR_TEMPLATE_ID` with the ID of the Elementor template you want to display.

2. Dynamic Data Shortcodes:
Elementor allows you to dynamically display data from various sources using shortcodes. For example:

– Current Date:

[elementor-template-date format="Y-m-d"]

– Current Post Title:


– Current Post URL:


3. User-Related Shortcodes:
You can also display information related to the current user:

– Current User ID:


– Current User Display Name:


– Current User Email:


4. Custom Shortcodes:
You can create your own custom shortcodes to extend Elementor’s functionality. To do this, you’ll need to use Elementor’s API and PHP coding. Here’s a basic example:

// Define the shortcode callback function
function custom_shortcode_function( $atts ) {
    // Your custom logic here
    return 'Your Custom Content';

// Register the shortcode with Elementor
function register_custom_shortcode() {
    add_shortcode( 'custom_shortcode', 'custom_shortcode_function' );

add_action( 'elementor/widgets/widgets_registered', 'register_custom_shortcode' );

Now, you can use the `[custom_shortcode]` shortcode within the Elementor page builder, and it will display the content returned by the `custom_shortcode_function()`.

Please note that when using shortcodes in Elementor, you typically add them to a Text Editor widget or a Shortcode widget. Elementor also provides dynamic tags that you can use directly within the widgets, which are a more user-friendly way to display dynamic content without having to remember and use shortcodes explicitly.


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