Calculate distance between 2 address using lat and long

According To me it’s one of important requirement in many projects related to address. To Calculate distance between two address using latitude and longitude use this method.


function LongLatDistance($Latitude1, $Longitude1, $Latitude2, $Longitude2) {
    $theta = $Longitude1 - $Longitude2;
    $miles = (sin(deg2rad($Latitude1))*sin(deg2rad($Latitude2)))+(cos(deg2rad($Latitude1))*cos(deg2rad($Latitude2)) * cos(deg2rad($theta)));
    $miles = acos($miles);
    $miles = rad2deg($miles);
    $result['miles'] = $miles * 60 * 1.1515;
    $result['feet'] = $result['miles'] * 5280;
    $result['yards'] = $result['feet'] / 3;
    $result['kilometers'] = $result['miles'] * 1.609344;
    $result['meters'] = $result['kilometers'] * 1000;
    return $result;
$distance = LongLatDistance($lat1='27.3766', $lon1='75.5580', $lat2='26.9124', $lon1='75.7873' );

array(5) {




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