Show Only One Error Message on Checkout Field Error

How to Show Only One Error Message For WooCommerce Checkout Field?

Their are approximately 7 to 10 default field which are required on WooCommerce checkout field.
In case these all have error then their are so much error in top, you can see in screenshot below. so for removing or we can say replacing all error with only one msg , you can view in screenshot 2.


Example :


function ShowOneError( $fields, $errors ){
  // if their is any validation errors
  if( !empty( $errors->get_error_codes() ) ) {
    // remove all of Error msg
    foreach( $errors->get_error_codes() as $code ) {
      $errors->remove( $code );
  // our custom Error msg
  $errors->add('validation','There is an error in filed data.');


Please note, that above code removes all types of errors, not only “This Field Is Required” etc.
We can remove them conditionally . For this first we need to type of error.
Types of errors:

  • required-field
  • terms (Terms checkbox)
  • payment


So for removing Only “required-field” error:


function ShowOneError( $fields, $errors ){
  // if their is any validation errors
  if( !empty( $errors->get_error_codes() ) ) {
    // remove all of Error msg
    foreach( $errors->get_error_codes() as $code ) {
     if( $code == 'required-field') {
      $errors->remove( $code );
  // our custom Error msg
  $errors->add('validation','There is an error in filed data.');



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