WordPress Shortcode

WordPress Shortcodes are a powerful feature that allows you to add dynamic content and functionality to your WordPress posts, pages, and widgets. Shortcodes are essentially small snippets of code enclosed in square brackets, like `[shortcode]`, that can be placed within the content area of your WordPress site. When WordPress renders the content, it will replace the shortcode with the output generated by the corresponding shortcode function.

To create a shortcode in WordPress, you’ll need to define a PHP function and then register it as a shortcode using the `add_shortcode()` function. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Create a PHP Function
Create the PHP function that will generate the output for your shortcode. This function can accept parameters, which can be passed from the shortcode attributes.

For example, let’s create a simple shortcode that will display a customizable “Hello” message:

function hello_shortcode($atts, $content = null) {
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array(
        'name' => 'Guest',
    ), $atts);

    return '<p>Hello, ' . esc_html($atts['name']) . '!</p>';
add_shortcode('hello', 'hello_shortcode');


In this example, the shortcode `[hello]` will display the default message “Hello, Guest!” if no attributes are provided. However, you can also customize the message by providing the `name` attribute, like `[hello name=”John”]`.

Step 2: Register the Shortcode
Register the shortcode using the `add_shortcode()` function. The first parameter is the name of the shortcode (without the square brackets), and the second parameter is the name of the PHP function that generates the shortcode’s output.

add_shortcode('hello', 'hello_shortcode');


Step 3: Use the Shortcode
Now that you’ve registered the shortcode, you can use it in your WordPress posts, pages, or widgets. Simply add the shortcode in the content area where you want the dynamic output to appear.

For example, create a new post or page and use the `[hello]` shortcode:


Or, use the `[hello]` shortcode with a custom name:

[hello name="Alice"]

When you publish or preview the post/page, WordPress will replace the shortcode with the output generated by the `hello_shortcode()` function.

That’s it! You’ve successfully created and used a WordPress shortcode. You can create and register multiple shortcodes, each serving different dynamic content or functionality. Shortcodes are a convenient way to add complex features without requiring you to modify the theme files directly or use complex HTML and PHP code in your content.


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