Pawan Kumawat

Fetch WordPress Categories

Now Days WordPress is a popular blogging platform which have many inbuilt functions.For fetching wordpress categories, wordpress provide lots of inbuilt functions like get_categories(), wp_list_categories(), wp_dropdown_categories().


A. get_categories()
Using This function we can fetch wordpress categories.

//Fetching categories in string format.
//Fetching categories in object format.
   $options = array('style' => 'list','hide_empty' => 1,);


B. wp_list_categories()
Using This function we can fetch wordpress categories in html format.

//Fetching categories in string format.
//Fetching categories in object format.
   $options = array('style' => 'list','hide_empty' => 1,);


C. wp_dropdown_categories()
Using This function we can fetch wordpress categories in dropdown list box.

//Fetching categories in string format.
//Fetching categories in object format.
   $options = array('style' => 'list','hide_empty' => 1,);



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