Add Custom Price on Bulk Purchase in Woocommerce Using ACF

To achieve this functionality, you’ll need to create a custom ACF repeater field for quantity and price in the product admin panel and then display all the prices on the product single page. Additionally, you’ll have to calculate the price according to the selected quantity when a product is added to the cart using WordPress hooks.

Hide Products Based On Custom Field / ACF Value : WooCommerce

To hide products in WooCommerce based on a custom field or Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) value, you’ll need to use some custom code. Specifically, you’ll have to hook into the WooCommerce product query and modify it to include your custom field or ACF value as a condition for hiding products.

Sort A ACF Repeater Field Results

Filters the field $value after being loaded. Sort a repeater field using a function called array_multisort(). Sorting Filtering Modifying ACF results .

How to add ACF options pages and options sub page

To add Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) options pages and options sub-pages, you’ll need to have ACF Pro installed and activated on your WordPress site. ACF Pro allows you to create custom options pages where you can add settings, fields, and other configuration data.
