Customize Woocommerce Settings Tab

Let’s talk about customizing Woocommerce Admin setting Tabs.To hide a specific Woocommerce setting tab or want to customize the Woocommerce setting tabs, not the entire sub-menu, but just a tab.For just Removing tabs we can use

Cron Job WordPress (WP-Cron)

What Is Wordpress Cron Job? Wordpress Cron Job is how WordPress handles scheduling time-based tasks in WordPress.“Cron” Means the cron time-based task scheduling system which is available on UNIX systems.

Add Custom Taxonomy Filter on Products Dashboard.

How To Filter Products by Taxonomies in the Dashboard?

WooCommerce provide Many Product filters on admin screen , such as “Select a category”, “Filter by product type”, “Filter by stock status”.

When adding product to cart and then refreshing the page it adds product again to cart.

Add to cart duplicates products on refresh page?   Generally in WooCommerce clicking on Add-to-Cart and it successfully add the product and display the message that the product is added. And on refreshing the page and message did not disappear and it adds the product once more to cart. And how many times am refreshing the page it is adding the product again to cart.   This is because when add to cart process is not executed using ajax , than it is executed by query string. When Adding product to cart using query string, URL becomes something like this”?add-to-cart=1234&quantity=1” so when we refresh the page, this will again execute and product will again add to cart. So to Remove This Issue We have To redirect the page after add to cart.   There is a option in WooCommerce that lets you redirect customers directly to the cart when they’ve

Display a Product Category Dropdown and Redirect To Single Category Upon Selection.

How To add category dropdown Before WooCommerce product loop? WooCommerce product loop is generally on shop page and category page. on both pages WooCommerce provide hooks before the loop and after the loop. “woocommerce_before_shop_loop” “woocommerce_after_shop_loop” For adding a category dropdpwn or other texonomy dropdown We will use “woocommerce_before_shop_loop”.   For Both Product loop. (shop page and category page) function CategorySwitcher() { wc_product_dropdown_categories(); $category_base=get_option(‘woocommerce_permalinks’)[‘category_base’]; wc_enqueue_js( ” (‘#product_cat’).change(function () { location.href = ‘”.site_url().’/’.$category_base.”/’ + $(this).val(); }); “); } add_action(‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop’,’CategorySwitcher’,100); For Only Category Archive Page.   function CategorySwitcher() { if ( is_product_category() ) { wc_product_dropdown_categories(); } $category_base=get_option(‘woocommerce_permalinks’)[‘category_base’]; wc_enqueue_js( ” (‘#product_cat’).change(function () { location.href = ‘”.site_url().’/’.$category_base.”/’ + $(this).val(); }); “); } add_action(‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop’,’CategorySwitcher’,100); For Only Shop Page.   function CategorySwitcher() { if ( is_shop() ) { wc_product_dropdown_categories(); } $category_base=get_option(‘woocommerce_permalinks’)[‘category_base’]; wc_enqueue_js( ” (‘#product_cat’).change(function () { location.href = ‘”.site_url().’/’.$category_base.”/’ + $(this).val(); }); “); } add_action(‘woocommerce_before_shop_loop’,’CategorySwitcher’,100);  
